简介:the shanghai disney resort is a new upcoming theme park resort built by walt disney parks resorts. the resort is scheduled to open in 2015. phase 1 of the resort’s development will feature a magic kingdom style park, shanghai disneylpark, an entertainment district, 2 themed hotels, recreational facilities, a lake associated parking transportation hubs. additional phases will see the development of 2 additional theme parks at the resort. the site will cover 963 acres in pudong, shanghai, approximately 3 times the size of the hong kong disneylresort, at a cost of 24.5 billion yuan (us$3.7 billion) fthe new theme park an additional 4.5 billion yuan (us$0.7 billion) to build other aspects of the resort. 43% of the resort will be owned by the walt disney company the remaining 57% will be owned by the shanghai shendi group. project application report fthe resort was approved by the chinese government on november 4, 2009.中国大陆首座迪士尼度假区——上海迪士尼度假区——将成为游客们远离尘嚣、共度美好时光的最佳去处,当宾客和亲朋好友们进入这座可以任凭想象力恣意纵横的全新度假区时,将可以共同探索一个充满幻想、创造力和探险的奇妙世界。在创建这个神奇度假目的地的过程中,我们期待寻找各类人才,共同帮助我们完成计划。
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