Responsible for evaluation and implementation of projects defined according to PM regulations, make sure the achievement of project target and throughout all stages of the Q-gate process.
1. Supports Project Manager External in clarifying customer requirements and specifications, during the request for proposal (RFP) and proposal.
2. Communication of project information to all internal and external partners (as the only interface for projects defined in PM regulations)
3. Prepare project feasibility analysis and involve cost calculation.
4. Designs and develops technical specification, and timeline, milestones and budget needed in the project.
5. Coordinates resources and monitors and reports progress and milestones regularly to all stakeholders.
6. Negotiates or contributes to negotiations with suppliers and vendors.
7. Responsible for meeting all project milestones and technical objectives.
8. Managing and controlling during project execution, in terms of sub-project and work package, etc. (including but not limited to schedule, cost and quality, etc.)
9. Ensures proper documentation of project results, and of all products or technologies delivered.
10. Adheres to PM standards defined and manages and coordinates all temporarily assigned project staff.
11. Contract management.
12. Risk management (including damage control activity).
Position Requirement:
1. At least 5years experience of project management in relevant industry. 5年以上相关行业项目管理经验。
2. Bachelor Degree or above, major in mechanical, electrical engineering or related education. 本科以上学历,机械,电气工程等相关专业。
3. Fluent English both in written and oral. 流利地英文读写及口头表达能力。
4. Project management knowledge. 具备项目管理相关知识。
5. Strong ability on cross-function leadership, networking skills and decision making. 具有较强的跨职能领导力,团队合作能力及决策能力。


人力资源岗 6000-8000元海珠区 应届毕业生 本科中国大地财产保险股份有限公司广东分公司
省区营管专员(广东广州)(J10705) 4000-6000元荔湾区 应届毕业生 不限广州立白企业集团有限公司
安全性能集成高级/资深工程师(A12997) 面议天河区 应届毕业生 本科广州小鹏汽车科技有限公司
子女教育金规划师 12000元以上天河区 应届毕业生 本科永达理保险经纪有限公司广东分公司天河营业部
企业餐厅接待员(外包)(A204786) 6000-8000元天河区 应届毕业生 不限广州小鹏汽车科技有限公司
物料订单管理高级工程师 15000-20000元天河区 应届毕业生 本科广州小鹏汽车科技有限公司